Autumn Stark · (214)803-8504 · Dallas Escort
Dallas' Beloved Red-Head
I'm a tad reticent to disclose too much about myself, but I can assure you I'm a girl that's always game for a good laugh! While I take my business very seriously, I believe having a great sense-of-humor can help ease the strain of many of life's lackluster duties.
Some of my (many) hobbies include traveling and reading. I love to eat and use my wanderlust as an excuse to glutton on all kinds of new cuisine, local wine, and local beer. My favorite food is Indian food, but I must admit I am unable to take South Indian fire; however, provided there are gallons of water handy I am always willing to try. I am a lover of cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay, and pinot grigio.
I am a sucker for literary fiction.
I have the utmost respect for others and may be foolish to respect the same in return. I was raised on the adage: You don't have to respect someone, yet you don't have to disrespect them either. It's a personal mantra of mine. You should try it, it helps.
My musical tastes run amok. I love classical music, cinematic scores, trip hop, jazz and reggae. That's pretty eclectic.
In all, Im a bit of a wanderer. I love experiences and the people that can help shape them in a positive way. My heart is always open to the making of a long-time friend...
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